How to view the NASA Apollo landing sites on the Moon… proof that White men made it to the Moon!

[NB: The best link where you can see actual close-ups of the Moon landing sites, and the tracks of the

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EXTREME WHITE MEN: Similarities between Neil Armstrong & the Waffen SS Nazi Tank Ace Michael Wittman! – NASA Mood Landing Hoax?

Here are two incredible white men. Michael Wittman, the NAZI Tank ace and Neil Armstrong, the astronaut. Of course, we

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SCIENCE CENSORED: (((Liberals))) & SJW scum are driving White men out of Science careers!

[NB: There is a petition link here. I’ve already signed it. PLEASE SUPPORT THESE SCIENTISTS!! My blood boils when I

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Scientists are certain a big exoplanet is close to our Solar System…

[This type of science fascinates me. We whites and the Japanese are the only races who are capable of heading

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IMPORTANT: 4,500 year old ramp found that was used to build the Great Pyramid of Giza!

[How the pyramids were built, is one of the biggest mysteries of all. It unleashed all kinds of weird ideas,

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Science: The most distant planet-like object yet found in our Solar System: The Goblin!

[Here are some amazing facts about this dwarf planet: It is 2,000 times further away from the Sun than the

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New attempt to tie Hollow Planet theory together

[ On of my supporters sent me this note. I browsed through what this man wrote. It looks as if

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Science: Massive “rogue” Planet floating in space 20 light years away without a Star!

[ALL planets ever discovered have been orbiting stars. This is the first planet ever discovered that’s just floating around in

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Science: Will NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Really ‘Touch the Sun’?

Next month, NASA will give the sun its close-up. The Parker Solar Probe will begin a seven-year mission to examine the sun’s

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Aliens May Be Rearranging Stars to Fight Dark Energy, Awesome Study Suggests

How to dominate the universe in three easy steps … Step 1: Harvest all of your planet’s resources. Step 2:

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