Science: Feasibility of a Nuclear Fission Reactor at the Center of the Earth

[I worked on Hollow Planets from 1995-1999 when it was published privately at my own expense. One of the most

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Video: Paranormies presents Hollow Planets – Part 2

This is an interview I did with the Paranormies we discuss the origins of the idea of the Hollow Earth.

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Is the Third Reich still active in the Antarctic?

[A viewer sent me this question. My answer is below. Jan] Received on: 2017-10-18 :- Good day Jan I am

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FREE eBook: THE SMOKY GOD: A Voyage to the Inner World

I’m giving away a FREE eBook of THE SMOKY GOD. This book is a classic in the literature of the

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Free eBook: THE SMOKY GOD: A Voyage to the Inner World

The Smoky God

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