Science: Star Ejected from Milky Way’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ Reaches Mind-Blowing Speed

[The white race's incredible science, continues to deliver amazing results that read like science fiction. Jan] As humankind’s ancestors were

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Science: Your RNA May Have Come from Space, Meteor Study Suggests – My Comments

[There is a line of thinking I thought was quite fascinating: Pan Spermia – that life came to earth from

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Navy Officers Say ‘Unknown Individuals’ Made Them Erase Evidence of 2004 UFO Encounter

[All UFOs are military. No aliens. Jan] Several Navy officers who witnessed the now-famous Nimitz UFO encounter in 2004 say

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NASA Spacecraft Poised to Find Tens of Thousands of new Planets! – White Science rocks!

[I find this so fascinating. It is amazing what is possible, and 97% of science and technology comes from whites.

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Eugene Shoemaker: The Only Human Buried on the Moon – My Comments

[Again we see with fascination what whites can do. Why the hell we don't realise how amazing we are I

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Those UFO videos are real, the US Navy says, but please stop saying ‘UFO’ – My Comments

[I've been saying for quite a few years now that "UFOs" are not aliens, but merely advanced craft, most likely

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Voyager 2 Reaches Interstellar Space. Here’s What the Spacecraft Finds

[Never forget that this is the work of the White man's science. Jan] NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft entered interstellar space

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Science: There’s Something Strange Going On Inside Neptune

[In my old book, Hollow Planets, I wrote at length about underground nuclear reactions. You will see astronomy is full

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