Video: 6 Clues That The Earth Is Actually Hollow…

This is a very interesting little video I found. It got a lot of hits. I don’t agree with all

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Rodney Cluff’s Expedition to the Hollow Earth

[Here is a link to Rodney Cluff’s page. He wanted to do an expedition to the Hollow Earth. Jan]

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Going into Space Crushes the Delicate Nerves in Your Eyeballs

[It is fascinating how dangerous space is, especially when you spend a lot of time in space. It seems to

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Video: Paranormies presents Hollow Planets – Part 1

This is an interview I did with a panel from Paranormies where we discuss Hollow Planets and how I got

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Video: Jan Lamprecht’s Hollow Planets speech at Nexus, 2003

This is film footage of the speech I gave in Amsterdam, Holland in 2003 at the Nexus conference.

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3.5 Billion Years ago: Scientists say Ancient fossil microorganisms indicate that life in the universe is common

[This is utterly fascinating, what they did and how they did it. Notice how the Earth has changed and the

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Scientists design bacteria to reflect ‘sonar’ signals for ultrasound imaging

[Just look at the astounding levels of science that come out of our civilisation and this science was not invented

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