Everyone agrees: UFOs are Military test aircraft – probably DRONES – ‘Fleet of UFOs’ Followed US Aircraft, Navy Pilot Says

[I've been saying this for years, that UFOs are NOT alien, and never have been. They are 100% military. 25

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Top Secret: US Air Force’s X-37B Space Plane Lands After Record 780-Day Mystery Mission

[I always wonder what this USAF space plane is testing. I suppose it may contain many things inside that need

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Nuclear Fission Confirmed as Source of More than Half of Earth’s Heat – My Comments

[When I wrote my first book, Hollow Planets, and published it in 1999, a critical part of what I was

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Would you pay R1900 ($134) for a used book? My books sell for more used, than new: Hollow Planets

[I must be the only author in the world, whose books sell for much higher prices, used than new. The

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Pic: Jan’s books sell for more 2nd hand, than new: Government by Deception $33 – R490

[I must be the only author in the world, whose books sell for more, 2nd hand, than new. My books

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Humans May Be the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe, If Evolution Has Anything to Say

[There have been a few strange scientific articles that I'm not quite sure what to make of. But its food

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I knew Dr Tom Van Flandern – a brilliant scientist – a man with a great mind

[I was chatting to a Boer about Dr Tom Van Flandern, a US astronomer whom I knew and was in

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If Intelligent Aliens exist … WHY would they want to speak to us?

It pleases me to see the whites in South Africa, especially the Afrikaans speakers, turning to science more and more.

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Humans Will Never Live on Another Planet, Nobel Laureate Says. Here’s Why. – My Comments

[I wondered if this guy was Jewish. But he does not seem to be. I think he is talking nonsense.

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‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence Dates Some of Earth’s Earliest Life to 3.5 Billion Years Ago

Just a billion years after Earth took shape, microbial life was already thriving, scientists say. Analysis of organic traces preserved

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