3 thoughts on “Jan Lamprecht’s Books: Hollow Planets & Government by Deception

  • 28th January 2018 at 1:45 am

    Mr Lamprecht:. I am so glad you have returned to hollow earth research. Your research is so important. You have been sorely missed

    • 26th December 2018 at 8:39 pm

      Hi Peter,
      I will do a little bit on this topic. But my main focus is history and white racial politics and the serious impending problems here in South Africa against whites.

      I will post things now and then as I come across them. I also want to start an independent online shop.

      If you want to keep in touch then join the Hollow Planets mailing list.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      PS: I have 2 interviews that I still have not put up.


    • 18th March 2020 at 9:00 pm

      Its not a big thing for me anymore. There are some aspects of science I retain an interest in.


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