Video & Email: Hollow Earth and a simple experiment in zero gravity – Electric Theory of Gravity

[Drake is a long time supporter of my work and he wrote me this fascinating letter. The video he refers to below is very interesting. I watched it and you’ll see how in zero gravity, using a water bubble, on the International Space station, they create what is in effect a “hollow planet” using water and putting a bubble inside it. They do strange things with it. Jan]

Drake wrote:

Subject: Hollow Earth and a simple experiment in zero gravity that may interest you.

I heard your interview on Paranormies.  Glad to hear that you were able to find some overlap between the two communities.  I was one of the people who brought your attention to Wal Thornhill and his electrical theory of gravity and the fact that he mentions your book in a question and answer period on Thunderbolts Project on Youtube.

Today I wanted to share this particular link about astronauts playing with water and bubbles on the space station. “Air bubble inside a water sphere in space. Luftblase in einer Wasserblase im Weltraum. ISS”

I found this one by searching “Canadian astronaut water bubbles” because I saw a Canadian astronaut do a similar experiment.   It is a simple zero gravity experiment that shows a water globule in space can be hollow in the middle.  So why not a planet?

Yours truly

Drake Dorosh


I might also recommend Robert Sephr who has 4 books about stuff you have covered including Vril power and 1666 -Shabbetai Tzvi .  I wonder if you would be at odds or fast friends.  He also has a channel called Atlantian Gardens.  I am curious about his interest in Jews and why he sometimes sounds sympathetic.


Here is my reply to Drake:

Hi Drake,

Its great hearing from you and I appreciate it very much.

I had forgotten who mentioned the electrical theory of gravity to me. I began looking at it several months ago. And then I became very impressed with it. I got you mixed up with another WN guy who also mentioned some similar things. I had totally forgotten that it was in fact you.

Can you please send me a link where he explains his theory of gravity? Anything where his work is explained more closely. Wasn’t he a professor or something like that who created his electric theory of gravity by way of experiments alone – thus making it the only experimentally derived theory of gravity?

Was it you who told me that he went to great lengths to explain why a planet would NOT BE HOLLOW because otherwise that would be a very real possibility?

BTW, can you send me a link to this: Wal Thornhill and his electrical theory of gravity and the fact that he mentions your book in a question and answer period on Thunderbolts Project on Youtube.





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