Science: Astronomy: We were wrong: all stars don’t have planets, after all

[This is a surprising discovery. There seemed to be planets around all the stars. Jan] Unless you have a critical

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Science: 13 Hyperfast, Alien Stars Are Invading the Milky Way (Our Galaxy)

[The kinds of things that White scientists are finding these days with their advanced equipment is amazing. All these rogue

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Kickass Western Science: INCREDIBLE: Scientists want to fish out a meteor that reached us from the STARS!!!

[This is amazing stuff. This would be the first time that scientists try to get pieces from a meteor that

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Science: (Underground river) Discovery of hidden world under Antarctic ice has scientists jumping for joy

[There's a nice little video at the source link below. Jan] A never-before-seen ecosystem lurks in an underground river deep

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Science: 5 Strange, Cool Things We’ve Recently Learned About the Moon

It’s been almost 50 years since a human first set foot on the moon. Since then, our knowledge about Earth’s

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Science: Extraterrestrial Life Could Be Purple

Alien life might be purple. That’s the conclusion of a new research paper that suggests that the first life on

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Science: A solar power plant in space? The UK wants to build one by 2035 – My Comments

[I like this a lot. This is going to be an interesting idea to watch. You won't see Nigeria, or

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VERY RARE: The Hodges meteorite brought problems to the woman it struck, but good fortune to at least one neighbor

[This is an amazingly rare incident. Jan] November 30, 2016 Not the meteorite that struck Ann Hodges, this five-inch-long chunk

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White Science: Some of the moon’s water may come from Earth, study suggests

About 1% of the water that evaporates from Earth’s atmosphere might settle on the moon.. Some of the moon’s water

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Science: All ingredients for life found on space rocks – Did life come from space?

[There is a theory called Panspermia which theorises that life came to the Earth from space. I'd often wondered if

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