Science: Hot & Active: Researchers Discover What May Be 37 Active Volcanoes on Venus

[This is fascinating stuff. Jan] Researchers Discover What May Be 37 Active Volcanoes on Venus Scientists had long assumed Venus’

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Photos: Science: Scientists shed light on how the blackest fish in the sea ‘disappear’

An ocean mystery – how the blackest fish in the deep sea are so extremely black – has been solved

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Science: Scientists obtain ‘lucky’ image of Jupiter – The Heat on Jupiter – My Comments

[Many years ago in my wonky writings, I made the point that Jupiter and even Saturn, which are far away

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Photo: Science: Germans breaking new ground … as always… Huge underground lasers measure Earth’s spin with extreme precision

[I never cease to be amazed by the things Germans do. They would be more awesome without Jewish/American occupation. Even

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Science: The moon is 85 million years younger than previously thought – My Comments

[When I was younger and fascinated by astronomy, there was a big debate about the origins of the Moon. At

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Could Life have Evolved on Mars & moved to Earth a billion years before life “came to earth”?

[A reader made these comments on my article about why haven't we found life in the universe. I have never

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SCIENCE: Why haven’t we found Alien life yet? – Is Anyone Out There?: The Fermi Paradox, Explained – My Comments

[We are special on this planet. And we whites are EXTREMELY SPECIAL. I do think there is something to be

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Science: Did Scientists Finally Solve the Impossible Physics Riddle? – My Comments

[More than 20 years ago, in my own writings and thinking, I was wondering about gravity and I questioned the

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Science: Core of a gas planet seen for the first time

Astronomers have found a previously unseen type of object circling a distant star. It could be the core of a

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Science: A ‘monster’ star 2 million times brighter than the sun disappears without a trace

[The white man's science is incredible. Jan] A ‘monster’ star 2 million times brighter than the sun disappears without a

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