What the heck is gravity anyway?

[I see that gravity remains a mystery. I wrote about it in Hollow Planets in 1999, and indeed, as I said, it is a huge mystery for science to this day. Here is a short excerpt explaining how little is known about it. Jan]

What the heck is gravity, anyway?


(Image credit: koya979 | Shutterstock)

What is gravity, anyway? Other forces are mediated by particles. Electromagnetism, for example, is the exchange of photons. The weak nuclear force is carried by W and Z bosons, and gluons carry the strong nuclear force that holds atomic nuclei together. McNees said all of the other forces can be quantized, meaning they could be expressed as individual particles and have noncontinuous values.

Gravity doesn’t seem to be like that. Most physical theories say it should be carried by a hypothetical massless particle called a graviton. The problem is, nobody has found gravitons yet, and it’s not clear that any particle detector that could be built could see them, because if gravitons interact with matter, they do it very, very rarely — so seldom that they’d be invisible against the background noise. It isn’t even clear that gravitons are massless, though if they have a mass at all, it’s very, very small — smaller than that of neutrinos, which are among the lightest particles known. String theory posits that gravitons (and other particles) are closed loops of energy, but the mathematical work hasn’t yielded much insight so far.

Because gravitons haven’t been observed yet, gravity has resisted attempts to understand it in the way we understand other forces – as an exchange of particles. Some physicists, notably Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein, posited that gravity may be operating as a particle in extra dimensions beyond the three of space (length, width, and height) and one of time (duration)we are familiar with, but whether that is true is still unknown.

Source: https://www.livescience.com/34052-unsolved-mysteries-physics/2.html

2 thoughts on “What the heck is gravity anyway?

  • 15th May 2020 at 1:22 pm

    Wal Thornhill on Electric Gravity in Hollow Planets. Your book is recommended by Wallace Thornhill.

  • 20th December 2019 at 2:06 am

    Gravity is an acceleration of the ether/aether towards the earths charged mass from space like water going down the drain. There is a rarefaction of the ether inside the earth, the space occupied by mass/matter. Equal and opposite reaction to that rarefaction of the ether is universal compression, acceleration of the ether towards the earth from space at 9.8 m/s2.

    That difference of pressure and density in the ether results in acceleration of ether which we experience as gravity. The ether pushes everything towards the earth with it just like water going down the drain pushes objects in the water towards the drain with it.

    Ether is at higher density in space compared to inside the earth, the space occupied by mass/matter.

    Inside the earth, since the earth is hollow with polar openings, the ether enters through the polar openings and accelerates towards the mass/matter producing gravity on the inside concave curvature of the earth.



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